Thursday, February 19, 2009

Get a whiff of Goulash!

In Hungary, Goulash is called Gulyás. Gulyásleves is prepared as a soup (leves meaning soup). The dish Gulyás or Bográcsgulyás[2] was traditionally a thick stew, made by cattle stockmen. The Goulash can still be prepared both like a soup and a stew. The traditional Hungarian stews: Goulash, Pörkölt and Paprikas, sharing the same origin, as herdsmens stews, are considered to be the national dishes of Hungary.

YEah, I made that. (stop gawking)

awww, c'mon. Why ye of so little faith?

It was pretty good actually, the best I have cooked so far. Really tasty. Check this out for evidence.

simmering really mouthwateringly in the pot... mmmm~

not bad right? right? Riiiiiiight? lol

ITADAKIMASE! (shuddup if my spelling is wrong)

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