Saturday, March 28, 2009
Look to the RIGHT!!!
For those who dont know, I got an iPhone recently. It was purely for practical reasons (yeah, it had nothing to do with my lust for the coolest, yengest, most freaking convenient gadget one can ever own)
One of the perks of staying in australia: I can sign up for plans, get a phone free while I pay for credits which I have to anyway. Golden opportunity. Back in Malaysia, all I did was think, oh, apple ipod touch/iphones are yeng, ah well, I wont ever get it. No FAT CHANCE. Who would have thought.
Anyway, with iphone, I can do virtually anything. check mails, skype, read all types of files (excel, word, pdf... you name it), listen to music, watch videos, yada yada. Anything, as long as there is Wifi. And since my place has wifi, and so does the whole of my Uni, this little baby is on full throttle.
I never really considered myself a gadget person, but Apple is genius in products, marketing, brand and concept. I do admire them for their originality. Always first to break in markets and create waves of fanatic followers and adorers. People who hate Apple, generally are just sick of hearing others praise it, and are secretly jealous. This is my own personal observation, give than an Apple product, and they will swallow whatever negative comments they throw at Apple.
nuff praises on Apple, (they did not pay me, I wish), I know I have not updates for a while now. I am so sorry to everyone. I guess who guys have not even bothered visiting my blog already. Anyway, my concern is not my blog, but my friends. That is YOU. I have to keep in contact with you guys. I want to be able to still chat with you guys, but my impossible schedule and my tendency to not be bothered to online has lead me forgotten in many minds of friends (it is true, I have to admit it). I even admit that it is my fault. I am just not good at networking. Making friends maybe, but maintaining long distance once, hard. I know alot of people face the same problem too.
So, (i dont know about others), but my solution to this problem is, NimBUZZ!!!!
This is the application in my iphone that allows me to skype, msn, message blaaah FREE. so, anyone who has anything urgent to say to me, or maybe just wanna chat, or send a message (if I am not online), use this method! Just click on the darn button, it is not hard at all.
Please, I miss all family and friends in Malaysia. It is the only thing I miss actually. I dont want to lose whatever I have created (friendships and relationships) over the years to Australia. I dont want Malaysia to be a strange land. I am reaching out, arms wide to connect with you guys. So if you are bored, reading my blog, drop a message.
(cherish what you have)
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Saturday, March 7, 2009
the Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade

I only thought this funny, because I heard someone shout "Rainbow Party!" after seeing these bunch of willing posing girls. I found out later, the colours symbolises New Mardi Gras, the team that hosted this huge crazed party.
Guy in TONGS! I am not sure if this guy is gay... but outfit is too alarming. Pah, my seared eyes!
hot hunks, with hot GAY bod. Silver ties, cute.
OMG, I was embaressed just taking the photo ok. I have to applaud my guts.
Transvestite. I suppose it is really a time to come out with who they are. It is odd, seeing young teenagers, normal looking people saying "HEY, *hugs* how are you doing!!!" to them. They were treated like any other. It must be invigorating for them, when they dont have to deny who they are, nor are they ostracised for it.
The parade had approximately 135+ floats passing by. They were by no means (in my opinion), artistically beautiful, but various messages were sent across.
I can understand why Teresa, my landlady said Madri Gras is disgusting. People half naked and all. For exp, why have this on a float? what does this say. I never thought I would ever see something like this in life. Teresa also said, gays tend to be more promiscuous. Really?
Girls: I know. Guys: STOP DROOLING.
Overall, the "trashy lingerie" costumes of the energetic crowd provided more entertainment that the floats itself, except a few gobsmacking ones... The 50000+ crowd that pushed and sweat, high on most probably alchohol was a sight to behold in itself. Definately an experience. The Gay pride parade was in a way for GLTBs to come out in the open, and for us normal majorities to get used to the sights of them. I have no clue as to why the trashily promiscuous outfits, but I guess it is just an idea of FUN to them. The parade was trully international, as countries from all over the world, even some where gays are illegal are here to strut their stuff. Amidst all the crazed sights, I guess they did achieve their goal of having people accept them who they are. After all, I did check up gays and lesbians after the event.
I will safely say, I will not judge GLTBs. They are who they are. According to most sites, they dont choose to be one. They are mostly confused with their sexuality growing up. Imagine being ostracised, embaressed and hateful for being who you are. That will be painful. So, I would rather not be the one to inflict pain.
"OMG, that shirt is soooo~ gay!" hahaha, I have to stop branding anything weird gay now. lol
let me be free. let my fly. let me breath. let me live my life by my own right.
depressed mode.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Name: sara
Date: 3/6/2009
Colorgenics Number: 34152607
Utmost in your mind is success. You are constantly seeking stimulation and a life full of experience. You are trying to 'grow' and above all you need to develop freely and to shake off the shackles of self-doubt. You are an enthusiastic individual, full of life with the desire to live intensely. You like contact with others and are enthusiastic by nature. You are receptive to anything new, modern or intriguing. Your interests are many and you are likely to expand your fields of activities. You are optimistic about the future and you deserve every success because deep down you are a 'winner'.
You are a very warm and emotional individual but unfortunately in the past too many people have taken advantage of this sensitive trait. You need aesthetic surroundings, or an equally sensitive and understanding partner with whom to share a warm understanding.
All the problems that you have been experiencing of late seem to have become a part of your life and there is little that can be done to change the situation. Your emotions run high - but even though you feel as if at times you are about to burst this situation will pass. Try to release your pent-up emotions by participating in some extra physical activities like running, swimming, whatever. There must be some favourite pastime, not necessarily strenuous, that can help you to relax.
You are being unduly influenced by the situation that is all around you. You do not like the feeling of loneliness and whatever it is that seems to separate you from others. You know that life can be wonderful and you are anxious to experience life in all its aspects, to live it to the full. You therefore resent any restriction or limitations that are being imposed on you and you insist on going it alone.
You don't like authority and you rebel against all forms of limitation. You are your own person and you intend to stay that way and to get on in the world simply by your hard work and determination.
interested, try it out here
p/s, got this from Caitlin's site
Thursday, March 5, 2009
the novels in the internet world
pls, if you are bored and craving for stories to grip you, pls click the above link.
I am no blogger nor writer, only a reader. What use is that to me in this world of productivity-emphasis I dont know. Except, please trust me when I say something is worth reading (unless me and you have seriously different standards in quality and appreciation). I can't be bothered to give a detailed explanation of what the hell it is, except my word that it is addictively good. It is better than most novels, or stories sold in bookstores.
something to think about: Why blogs are worth reading.
Blogs give you the impression, IT IS A TRUE STORY. Ever recalled when you watched a movie that has a touching storyline, and your heart emphatises with the story even more just because it has the words BASED ON A TRUE STORY? Wonder fills you when the story just witnessed from movie/books/novels really happened somewhere out there in this world. When you hear happy endings, or sad ones, or inspiring ones especially, it gives a greater punch, impact because it is NOT fiction. It is no fairy tale for littles girls to sleep with pretty dreams, nor is it empty consolation/inspiration to a person going through difficulties. Here, you can tell yourself IT REALLY HAPPENED. no joke. lol
Sunday, March 1, 2009
I miss feeling at HOME
I rejoice when I find out that Teresa (my pain in the ass landlady) is not at home. Relief feels just like a breath of fresh air after being enclosed in a musty cupboard.
Every single day, I try as much as possible to stay out of her eye contact, so that I dont get caught doing anything. The less she sees, the less she forms opinions. So, I stay within my room when I hear her speaking to someone outside. I emerge from my safe haven (which is not truly it by the way, as I have a roommate I feel close to strangers with), creeping out to cook. Instinct tells me I should always cook when she is not around. But, lately I have not been as lucky. She comes home when I am cooking halfway...
Today was the climax of all stories, and things are going downhill from now on. I can feel it in my bones. I have an appointment to make at UNSW at 9a.m in the morning. Khar Mun will pick me up along the way to Uni. I make lunch for the both of us as of course it is economical. (He pays for a bigger portion of the food). So, I got up early at 8a.m. to start cooking some beef for pita bread. A little experiment of mine. Everything could have run smoothly but I was in luck for Teresa was in then. She does not close her door sleeping. I was cutting vegetables. I thought it would be fine as her room is furthest from the kitchen. She woke up, saying I was cooking too early and noisily in the morning.
Let me explain why this freaked me out:
Teresa told me a story of when she had this Korean girl who rented her place. She made a joke that this girl would get up crazy early in the morning to cook, 4am, 6am... I remember laughing at that and commented that not to worry, for I was nothing of that sort. Teresa asked that girl to leave.
At 8am, she told me I was early. My cutting vegetables was too loud. Flustered, I apologised. She was saying, "oh, I thought after the Korean girl I will be able to have a normal life and sleep well." Of course that triggered my fear intensely that she might dislike me. She might just KICK ME OUT AS WELL. She was telling me how I might disturb other girls sleeping near the kitchen. ( i asked around, nobody heard me cooking in the kitchen. Noboby, not even the girl with the room right next to the kitchen. She said that she only heard me and Teresa talking in the kitchen. IRONIC). I apologised and may have been flustered. I dont know, I was panicking and everything. I was also late as well. Haiz. I think I might have given her the impression that I was a little offended after her comment, as the girls told me so after I left the place. Other things happened at the same time, but I would rather not go to minor details right now.
At the same day, I came back in the evening for UNSW. 2 girls were cooking. I had nothing to do, so I sat watching and chatting with them. They were saying how they are taking advantage of Teresa currently being out of the house. EXACTLY THE WAY I FELT. But, I am more agitated by her because I was one of the earliest new girls, and made more blunders in her tiny unsaid rules. Anyway, I thought after they were done, I will just cook some simple vege to go with my unfinished lunch (so that I wont be so bored with repetitive menus). I swear I am the luckiest girl in the world. TERESA CAME HOME AND F******* SAW ME COOK. She took in all the other girls cooking, and me as well. She asked me, how often do I cook a day. I replied, "twice a day maybe?" She said, "oh, we dont cook so many times around here. We only do that once a day." F***! (I usually detest using F word, but somehow I seem to understand now why many choose to channel anger through mindless inappropriate words. It just makes you feel liberated somehow) SHE DID NOT TELL US WE CAN ONLY COOK ONCE A DAY. who the hell does that. WHAT THE HELL IS SIMPLE FOOD? I can only translate that to maggie mee. You bloody want me to die of cancer aaaah? haiz, I am very lost, pissed, trapped and everything negative right now. I find eloquence in words now meaningless. So forgive me for now. After she left, the girls and I were gossiping solemnly in Manderin (thank God for Manderin). She came back minutes later, to give us 3 pieces of A4 paper stapled together. According to her, she has an Aussie friend who is an experienced landlord as well. This friend of hers is strict with the students as well. I think she wanted us to think she was not unreasonable, and be grateful that she was not like her friend. Or maybe, she wanted us to see that she is being fair. Whatever, I am pissed and depressed right now. At these times, we should be allowed to feel biased and see no reason. At least for the time being.
The list of guidelines filled paragraphs of fine times new roman, font size 10 text all the way up to 2 and a half pages! WTH?!!! After skimming through, a Singaporean roommate commented what I felt exactly: "wah, sounds exactly like how we have to live"
I might be overreacting. I might be taking this harder. I might be very unused to feeling so confined. I MISS FEELING AT HOME, and this is currently rendering me to tears. I have no one to confide in, Khar Mun is busy (although to give him credit, he tried his best and called me twice). I need a chat for an hour at least for consoling words to finally be therapeutic anyway. I miss friends I can turn to. I miss not having to feel paronoid about (hopefully silly) suspicions that people are bitching behind my back when I hear quiet chatters. I miss feeling wholly comfortable.
I dont think this is culture shock at all. I dont think this adjustment to Independence either. If it was, I would have welcome its harsh lessons as I mentally prepared and anticipated this.
I found suddenly living in tight watchful eyes, restriction a shock. I definitely did not see this coming. I miss home.
I will stay strong. But, for now let me emo....
p/s, if this post offends anyone, especially to anyone relatively close to Teresa ( hope and doubt so), pls understand I am just going through a momentary emotional episode. And I need a place to rant. I know she tries hard to be nice as well, i am not blind to her qualities. I also see that she is just carrying out her responsibilities. But, sometimes reason fails to be clear during tumultuous times. I will calm down soon, and I will learn to adjust. I must learn from experiences, good or otherwise.