Thursday, April 16, 2009

sitting on the green green grass

UNSW students getting cozy on the soft lush grass

UNSW has such large portions nice fluffy green grass. It is very well maintained. I testify to having seen sprinkler systems that specially water the grass.

You know in pamplets of many universities, they have pictures of students sitting and lazing around in the green green grass?
Here in UNSW, most students take advantage of the soft grass (especially the ang mohs). The sun warming the backs of students reading, sleeping, chatting, eating, snuggling/snogging (for couples) in the green green grass. It looks really comfortable, and somewhat an attractive thing to do - lying on the green grass, close to nature.
I always wanted to try it. I always stared at people on the grass, observing what they are doing. But, I just never got around to it.
So, one day...
I was determined to try it. I walked to a quiet comfortable spot, and sat down. It was funny because I was sitting on the grass, reading and playing with my iphone just for the sake of doing something on the grass. After half an hour, I had to get to a lecture. So I got up. My butt was a little damp, it was not a very hot day that day. I looked down at where I sat, and my heart dropped when I saw this:
The largest earthworm I ever saw in my whole entire life. When it slithered and moved, I almost threw up.
I think I will stick to looking at people enjoy the grass from afar....
p/s, I hate blogspot. So not user friendly. And they tend to change my layout alot after posting. Grrrrr

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