Thursday, May 28, 2009

'Oh you're smarter than that' - SHUT UP AND KEEP YOUR OPINIONS TO YOURSELF!

Random guy who does not think before speaking
" Hey, what subject are you taking next semester?"

Me, trying to socialise.
"oh, apart from the 3 core commerce subjects, I am debating between continuing marketing, or trying out finance to see if it fits."

"oh, don't take marketing. You're smarter than that, I can tell."


Why thanks for the compliment, sadly I can't return the favour because you are a ignorant-stereotypical ******* (fill in the gaps with your imagination, be my guest to do your worst), because you do not know what you are talking about.

If you do not do the subject, dont think it is easy. Unless you have tried it for yourself, you have no right to judge. Dont think you are better because you PRESUMABLY take something harder. I hate it when people do that, because they are giving people a hard time, and somehow you limit their choices in life thanks to your stupid notions that leads to peer pressure.

I am sick of living in a world that tells me what I have to do. I respect those who listens and encourage people to succeed in whatever they set their minds to. Don't laugh at people because you think what they are doing is of no importance/easy, or worst, for people WHO ARE NOT SMART ENOUGH TO DO ANYTHING ELSE. If you think like that, go bury yourself and your stupid ignorance and arrogance our world can do without.

High school:
"Science stream students are smart, and arts stream are for losers/dumbass who could not get into science stream"
Just so you know, arts stream students were mostly comprising of gangsters, hooligans and whatnot THANKS to people to purport the idea that arts stream students are lesser than science stream students. I admit, I myself fell into that trap. I studied in PMR because I wanted to go to science stream as thats where people respect you. I am sure that is a factor for most people as well, consciously or not. Arts is looked down upon because it is considered easy, and science is more "important". For your information, Arts subject is a knowledge as well a culture. In my case, Commerce is important because without business, you wont have growth in your economy. Believe me, you wont like that.

If you do not know anything, just know this. Everyone has many talents for a reason - everyone has something they are good at. Talent/skills have no inequality. If everyone specialises in what they are good at, the economy, world, the system will function at its optimum allocation.

Think with this simple analogy that everyone should know by now. The body has many parts. Head, eyes, ears, brain, ass etc. Naturally, most would think the brain is superior, and the ass the least important. Well, news to you, if the ass goes on strike and the body can no longer poop, and the brain will suffer from toxic damage.

A plumber may not gain your respect, but if the world plumber numbers takes a huge plunge, economics will show you their pay can be higher than most of you. Without a plumber, you will have to either figure how to do it yourself from the "dummies guide to plumbing" or live without water. Thats the system, and it shows you how EVERYTHING IS IMPORTANT.

Stereotyping prevents people from stepping forward to take on their interest. There are many science stream students who would have liked to do arts, who could be VERY DAMN GOOD AT IT, but chose to do science because the society in general tells them to, because there is a label that they cant bear to be burdened with.

If you are still stereotyping, stop it. The world will be a better place without it.


Young said...

Bloody good post. :)
Same case with "You're smart so go do Medicine!"
Like.. wtf?
Everybody has a role to play in the betterment of this world and nobody deserves to be stereotypically looked down upon based on what they do or like.

sara said...

Exactly. Stereotypical bullheads should learn to know that. They stereotpye, because they think majority of people choose what they want to be by their limitations instead of their interests and talents. Anyone can be a (insert a name of a typical esteemable job), its just whether or not they want to or not...